Thursday, November 26, 2009

Me and my baby girl :)

Friday 27th, November

Today was interesting. I actually sat down and had a conversation with my little brother and sister and it just made me laugh to myself :) they are so grown up, and i could recognize little traits of myself in both of them, it actually made me proud. There growing up to be interesting characters hehe. Well that was the highlight of my day, quite a release from the past couple of days ive been having. I haven't been well, i feel sick on the outside, sick on the inside and everything hurts from day to day. Its unusual, ive always been a happy person. Ive just been emotionally drained lately. It hard to find the right words to express how im feeling without sounding like i want attention so i wont go on much. I just cant tell whats real anymore. I have never felt like this before, every day goes by and i feel drained like someone has me by the neck. Every time i try to pull myself together something drags me straight back down. i honestly do not know what to do anymore. Its not fair.

I have a gig this weekend and i cant wait then straight after i have schoolies for the week! im so excited, just to break free , be somewhere out of Sydney and just have some fun. Although i feel terrible that i have to miss my girlfriend Rebekahs Dance Concert :( I know it means alot to her and i have been looking forward to seeing my baby girl dance for so long! Ahh i feel like ive let her down :( i will make it upto her :)

So this is my first blog in a while and im going to try my best to keep on top and write every day. For now, im going to try and get some sleep, its 2am and im pretty exhausted.
