Thursday, September 10, 2009

Friday 11th, September

Today was a very typical day. Woke up, dressed myself, did my hair, washed my face etc etc. By the time i arrived at school it was around 8:30 so i practically just walked straight into welfare(roll call). My days at school seem more pointless by the second, classes are finished, we just sit and do nothing and teachers are still sarcastic pricks. I was held back after school for detention because i tore up a letter and turned it into a pick, so as i could play guitar and no one had a pick on them. Quite a pathetic excuse for a detention but what can i say, its Bossley Park high. I had music performance night tonight, where we perform our songs in front of parents and staff of the school, it was horrible. The song choice of mine was not wise in the slightest, a reasonably heavy song with a three piece band. To be completely honest, it was embarrassing. Performing tonight for me turned out to be a social event, as any other school activity and in saying this, i came to realize that my effortless attempt towards my HSC was becoming more and more evident. Quite ashamed and embarrassed i left the building, got in Tates car and we drove to McDonalds. Crispy chicken deluxe meals after a night like this was heaven, it could have been a drug, i swear!

Once i arrived home, my usual "winding down" routine took place. Getting into my pajamas, laying in bed and browsing pointlessly on the internet whilst listening to music. A significant and rather positive conversation took place between my friend Rebekah. We started talking and ended up having a long DnM which was quite a relief and also a bloody interesting conversation. Not going into specific detail as to what was said, but i think in saying she is an amazing girl, pretty much sums it up. Rebekah has always been a rather close friend not always as close as certain times in our relationship but she has always been somewhere in there and i like holding her close to me. Tomorrow my band is playing at AIPA, hopefully this should be an exciting and eventful night and i am pumped, bitch!


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