Wednesday, August 5, 2009

First Post

Hello hello, its my first post here on blogger and i have no idea how to use it yet lol. Ill latch on pretty quickly. Well to get started im Nelson Faul, im 17, im in a little local band called Silence The End and music is my life. I go to school at Bossley Park High in Fairfield area, its not too bad although the teachers are on my back quite a lot lol. They haven't gotten the best of me yet :P. Well as i just established i am in high school and quite frankly im stressed as hell :S ive got 3 majors due, art, music and multimedia. I have put most of my time and effort into my art which i will upload once its finished, im quite proud of it :) I decided to do t-shirt designs etc.. its turning out well although time is the enemy! and its catching up to me. Well today was my first day of trials, i had English. Two, two hour exams with an hour break in between and started at 9am sharp which meant i had to be there at 8:40 :( i got to school in the nick of time and was actually relieved, the exam wasn't exactly that hard! I hadn't studied prior :S which was a major downer on my behalf and that soon showed when i opened my second paper at 12:40. I got out at 2:50 and Tate gave me a lift home in his charade :P Upon arrival i realized the post came and it was my brother Mathews new guitar, it is beautiful! and the sound is unbelievably heavy, the way i like it. Cant wait to hear it at next band practice:) My day winded down to the idea of making a blogger which i am currently still figuring out.


1 comment:

  1. Nelson , I don't know how else I can talk to you, so I'll write here an just hope you're coming back somehow and your going to see it and wonder what this strange girl wants. I want you. I want go get to know you. Understand you. Because everything your feeling is how I feel right now. I'm ready to give up. And I need your help, or maybe I just think I do. Was hanging yourself hard ? Would you suggest another means of doing it ? Because I must admit that scares me :/ were do you go after here? Should I be scared ? I'm so confused . I just know your life ended too soon & you deserve so much better sand alot more time to shine . I wish I knew you. I wish I saw your band . I wish I wish I wish . :/ I love you beautiful boy , smile and please get back to me on all of my stupid questions , in one way or another . <3
