Still failing to find interest or motivation in anything. After 3:00pm, i went straight to my music room and screamed about 4 sets of songs, after eating and watching from dusk till dawn, which didnt go down to well:S Ive lately noticed that screaming and singing whilst in a frustrated or depressed state no longer relieves me temporarily of the pain but contributes to it. I am left feeling like utter shit, my throat stinging from the ridiculous failed attempt of releasing stress and dissapointed in myself. I am fed up with everything! fucking sick and tired of feeling like this and not knowing why. I sat down and watched tv whilst msging a friend and eating an afternoon snack. I then decided to structure the lyrics i wrote to my next song, and put them to the song. Our next song is amazing, its heavy as anything, has sub drops, melodic lines and lyrics pretty much sum up my current feelings towards myself and my state of mind. Nothing this scene has ever fucking seen. Lyrics are on a more personal level, compared to our previous material which fed off the stereotypical subject of gore. Im over it! over music that sounds like absolute crap and means absolutely nothing. On the slightly brightER side, we got a gig on the 3rd of September at hype. We need a good crowd, but were NOT going to get one. I am laying here late at night knowing another night of restless sleep and discomfort is ahead. Fuck my life. Just another factor contributing to my current state of mind. Angry, stressed, depressed.
It is August 12th and i am sitting here on a green, spinning, round couch upstairs(as usual) on my computer after quite a boring day. The day started off slow, waking up to see it was time for metal and engineering exam which i had no interest in, or any intentions to do well in. So, i didnt press snooze, i just slept, put my head down and fell back to sleep. I missed the exam and woke up at 1:30 feeling no better then when i put my head down at 12 the previous night. I was stuffed, not hungry and had a disgusting feeling in my stomach. I contemplated whether or not it was my life or my oversleeping which should be held responsible. I bummed and droned around all day, played guitar for a bit, screamed for a bit and sat on my ass for remainder of the day looking at facebook, waiting for no one in particular to write something half interesting. Evening arose, and Andrew wanted to go for a cigarette, he got his p's not long ago so he could pretty much just drive here, and he did. We drove to marconi carpark and had a few ciggies talking about random shit and decided to drive around for a while looking for Tate and Lagudi. We got in and left, after 10 mins of looking and trying to get in touch, we couldnt find them so we drove to the servo to see Piercy and Khyll. We arrived, spoke for abit, drank some hot chocolate and got bored and drove home. I got home and went straight to my room and screamed some All Shall Perish and some Rose Funeral, felt no better or worse. Just in a continual drone of disappointment and misery. That brings me to were i am now, back on the green, spinning couch upstairs with no motivation to do anything.
Hello hello, its my first post here on blogger and i have no idea how to use it yet lol. Ill latch on pretty quickly. Well to get started im Nelson Faul, im 17, im in a little local band called Silence The End and music is my life. I go to school at Bossley Park High in Fairfield area, its not too bad although the teachers are on my back quite a lot lol. They haven't gotten the best of me yet :P. Well as i just established i am in high school and quite frankly im stressed as hell :S ive got 3 majors due, art, music and multimedia. I have put most of my time and effort into my art which i will upload once its finished, im quite proud of it :) I decided to do t-shirt designs etc.. its turning out well although time is the enemy! and its catching up to me. Well today was my first day of trials, i had English. Two, two hour exams with an hour break in between and started at 9am sharp which meant i had to be there at 8:40 :( i got to school in the nick of time and was actually relieved, the exam wasn't exactly that hard! I hadn't studied prior :S which was a major downer on my behalf and that soon showed when i opened my second paper at 12:40. I got out at 2:50 and Tate gave me a lift home in his charade :P Upon arrival i realized the post came and it was my brother Mathews new guitar, it is beautiful! and the sound is unbelievably heavy, the way i like it. Cant wait to hear it at next band practice:) My day winded down to the idea of making a blogger which i am currently still figuring out.